Bagpipe Reader:1.0 MIDINoteMappings,(54,56,58,59,61,63,64,66,68,56,58,60,61,63,65,66,68,70,55,57,59,60,62,64,65,67,69) FrequencyMappings,(370,415,466,494,554,622,659,740,831,415,466,523,554,622,699,740,831,932,392,440,494,523,587,659,699,784,880) InstrumentMappings,(71,71,45,33,1000,60,70) GracenoteDurations,(20,40,30,50,100,200,800,1200,250,250,250,500,200) FontSizes,(90,100,100,80,250) TuneFormat,(1,0,M,L,500,500,500,500,P,0,0) "Converted from BMW Dos file format to Bagpipe Reader 1.0 format using BMWFC32." "Argylls Crossing the River Po",(T,L,0,0,Times New Roman,16,700,0,0,18,0,0,0) "Retreat",(Y,C,0,0,Times New Roman,14,400,0,0,18,0,0,0) "R.H. Brown",(M,R,0,0,Times New Roman,14,400,0,0,18,0,0,0) "",(F,R,0,0,Times New Roman,10,400,0,0,18,0,0,0) TuneTempo,90 & sharpf sharpc 3_4 I!'' gg Fr_8 'f HAl_16 LA_4 brl LAr_8 Fl_8 ! gg Fr_8 'f HAl_16 hdbf Fr_8 'f El_16 thrd D_4 ! dbc Cr_8 'c El_16 gg LA_4 brl LAr_8 El_8 ! strla Er_8 HGl_8 tdbf Fr_8 'f El_16 thrd D_4 !t & sharpf sharpc '22 gg Fr_8 'f HAl_16 LA_4 brl LAr_8 Fl_8 ! gg Fr_8 'f HAl_16 hdbf Fr_8 'f El_16 thrd D_4 ! dbc Cr_8 'c Dl_16 dbe E_4 abr LAr_8 HAl_8 ! hdbe Er_8 'e Cl_16 thrd D_4 lgstd D_4 _' ''!I & sharpf sharpc I!'' gg Fr_8 'f LAl_16 brl LA_4 gg LAr_8 Dl_8 ! dbd Dr_8 LAl_8 dbf Fr_8 'f El_16 thrd D_4 ! dbc Cr_8 Bl_16 gg LA_4 brl LAr_8 El_8 ! strla Er_8 HGl_8 tdbf Fr_8 'f El_16 thrd D_4 !t & sharpf sharpc '1 gg Fr_8 'f LAl_16 brl LA_4 gg LAr_8 Dl_8 ! dbd Dr_8 LAl_8 dbf Fr_8 'f El_16 thrd D_4 ! dbc Cr_8 Bl_16 gg LA_4 brl LAr_8 HGl_8 ! tdbe Er_8 'e Cl_16 thrd D_4 lgstd D_4 _' ''!I